Terms and conditions

1 – The Summer Academy of Music is being presented by Internationale Sommerakademie Lüneburger Heide e.V.. It will take place in its 15th edition from July 18 – 28, 2024, and is primarily addressing music students and young musicians engaging in professional music education. It takes place in Uelzen, Germany, and surrounding communities. In principal, there is no upper age limit. However, music studies should not have been finished earlier than three years prior to the Summer Academy. The Artisic Director may make exceptions from this rule on an individual basis. There is no age limit in the Amateur Masterclass category. All materials will be checked by a committee and applicants will be selected for participation according to their qualification.

2 – The course fee includes:

a) the booked number of lessons (at least four) with one or, according to instrument, several teachers
b) up to two sessions* with the Chamber Orchestra (see # 5)
c) up to two sessions* in the Chamber Music Ensemble (see # 5)
d) Correpition and piano coaching according to schedule and availability
e) local transportation**
f) practising facilities at the music school of Uelzen
g) free admission to all concerts and special events of the International Summer Academy Lüneburger Heide
h) board (lunch and dinner, breakfast included for on-campus residents – see # 4)

* The length of orchestral sessions depends on the number of participants. If capacity allows, the artistic director may plan more sessions.

** lessons and performances take place in Uelzen and surrounding communities. Participants are responsible for their travel to Uelzen, Germany, themselves. The Summer Academy will provide detailed travel information on request.

Accomodation on campus is optional (see #4)

Participants in the masterclasses piano and violin may choose and distribute their lessons freely between all available teachers. Two, four, or six lessons are available for each teacher (for piano: Hinrich Alpers, Sheila Arnold, Bernd Goetzke and Sontraud Speidel; for violin: Stefan Hempel, Stephan Picard and Erik Schumann). At least four lessons in total have to be chosen. For double bass, four or six lessons with Nabil Shehata can be chosen, and for viola, four or six lessons with Piotr Szumiel.

3 – The course fee is 750 Euros for a four-lesson masterclass. Each extra unit of two lessons costs 300 Euros (six lessons = 1050 Euros etc.). Chamber music ensembles may apply, too, and the fee for each member of a participating chamber group is 650 Euros. The respective course fee for each participant is all inclusive and there will be no refund if participants make use of only part of the offered service (in particular, but not limited to: late arrival, early departure, no collaboration with the Chamber Ensemble, or Chamber Orchestra).

Some members of the faculty may be present only for part of the Summer Academy period. The lesson schedule will be adapted accordingly for each participant, and all participants will of course be entitled to the full service of the Summer Academy (see # 2) the entire time, regardless of the attendance of their respective teachers.

4 – For the optional on-campus accomodation a flat fee of 150 € will be added. A limited number of spaces is available, mostly in 4 and 6 bed rooms. The application form will display availability during the application process..

On request, accepted participants receive a list of all participants including email adresses in order to allow for arrangements for sharing rooms. It is recommended that applicants inform the Summer Academy ahead of time about any specific accomodation wishes, even though guarantees cannot be given by the organization.

The Uelzen Youth Hostel will offer rooms for Summer Academy participants. If you are interested, please email to: uelzen@jugendherberge.de and mention “Sommerakademie”

Should you have questions regarding accomodation during the Summer Academy, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help. It may be possible to schedule your lessons into a shorter period of time in order to help save accomodation costs. We will also gladly provide information about hotels etc. upon request.

5 – Faculty members and chamber music partners will be available to work with the participants in mixed chamber groups. During the application process, the following works may be selected which – according to demand – may be rehearsed and performed by selected participants in up to three Academy concerts:

– Mozart: Piano Quartet in g minor
– Mendelssohn: Piano Quartet b minor op. 3
– F Hensel: Piano Quartet A flat major
– Fauré: Piano Quintet No. 1 in d minor op. 39
– R V Williams: Piano Quintet (with Double Bass)

As the number of chamber music rehearsals during the Summer Academy is limited, sufficient experience in chamber music is expected. There will be no sight-reading rehearsals – therefore it is important to prepare for the chamber music project adequately. If in doubt, particitants should seek advice from their teaches ahead of time.

The online application system will automatically display those chamber works which are available according to the chosen instrument. Changes to the repertory for artistic reasons are possible.

A Chamber Orchestra will be available to work with the participants. The following repertory may be prepared and performed by selected participants:

– Chopin: Piano Concerto f minor op. 21
– Beethoven: Piano Concerto No 3 c minor
– Haydn: Violin Concerto C major
– Mozart: Violin Concerto A major K 219
– Hoffmeister: Viola Concerto D major
– Hindemith: Trauermusik
– Vanhal: Double Bass Concerto D major
– Rota: Divertimento Concertante

6 – Applications are accepted online at www.summeracademyofmusic.com. The number of spaces and total number of available lessons for participants is limited – therefore, a preselection may be necessary, based on the submitted application material. A recording (containing repertory freely chosen by the applicant) has to be submitted (YouTube link to other free platforms).

A request to all applicants: please make sure that the size of email attachments (photos, scans etc.) does not exceed the size of 1 MB.

In order to allow as many applicants as possible to participate, applications by chamber music groups count as one participant unless solo lessons are taken as well (possible in increments of two lessons, according to #3 above).

7 – The Summer Academy of Music can be reached at:

Internationale Sommerakademie Lüneburger Heide e.V.
Schulstrasse 13
29559 Stadensen

Our banking details are:

Name of the bank: Sparkasse Uelzen-Lüchow-Dannenberg
Address of the bank: Veersser Strasse 42, 29525 Uelzen, Germany
IBAN: DE57 2585 0110 0230 0218 34

8 – The application deadline is June 15, 2024. The application is binding. It is only valid after all necessary documents (see # 6) have arrived and the application fee (as resulting from # 3) has been received by Internationale Sommerakademie Lüneburger Heide e.V. on its bank account (see #7). All applicants will be notified automatically by email as soon as their application is complete. Notifications about acceptance or non-acceptance as participants will also be done by email.

Upon request the Summer Academy will able to send letters of invitation prior to the application deadline to applicants who need extra time to apply for visa (you can let us know whether or not you will need a visa by clicking the respective button on the application form). Those letters of invitation however are provided for convenience and are not to be considered an official confirmation of participation yet. Applicants who have not been accepted will receive their application fee (less 50 Euros handling fee) back. Upon withdrawal by a participant, the application fee (less 50 Euros handling fee) will be refunded only if the course(s) booked by the applicant can be given to another applicant.

9 – For outstanding performances during the Summer Academy of Music, concert scholarships may be awarded following the Summer Academy. The artistic director and course teachers will deliberate upon prizes and concerts to be awarded.

10 – Place of jurisdiction is Uelzen. This English translation of the terms of condition has been provided for convenience. In case of any dispute, the German version shall be binding.